Once let the black man get upon his person the brass letters, U.S.; let him get an eagle on his button, and a musket on his shoulder and bullets in his pockets, and there is no power on earth which can deny that he has earned the right to citizenship in the United States.
These words, spoken by Frederick Douglass, moved
many African Americans to enlist in the Union Army and literally to fight for
their freedom. When President Abraham Lincoln, on January 1, 1863, declared
that the Emancipation Proclamation was in effect, the Civil War became, for the
Union, a war to free the slaves.
Approximately one hundred and eighty thousand
African Americans, comprising 163 units served in the Union Army during the
Civil War, and many more African Americans served in the Union Navy. Those who
joined the war effort ranged from free blacks fighting for their rights to
escaped slaves fighting for their freedom. The Union Army used blacks as
laborers and slaves from the beginning of the war.
In July 1862, after the disastrous Peninsular
Campaign, President Lincoln signed the Second Confiscation Act stating that the
Union could “employ, . . . persons of African descent . . . for the suppression
of the rebellion.”
On July 17, 1862, Congress passed two acts allowing
the enlistment of African Americans. Official enrollment of blacks into the
Union Army occurred only after the September 1862 issuance of the Emancipation
Proclamation. Thanks to several Union officers, however, five regiments of
black infantry had already been formed in the Union-held Sea Islands of South
Carolina and Georgia.
Once the proclamation had taken effect on January
1, 1863, Massachusetts, Connecticut and Rhode Island began to recruit free
black men from all over the North. After congregating in Readville, Massachusetts,
they became part of the Fifty-Fourth Massachusetts Colored Regiment. This unit
proved itself in a deadly assault on Fort Wagner near Charleston, South
Carolina, in July 1863. However, this celebrated group was only a small part of
the total number of almost one hundred eighty thousand African Americans who
served in the Civil War. Of these forces, only thirty three thousand came from
the northern states. Forty two thousand came from the border slaveholding
states of Delaware, Maryland, Missouri and Kentucky—half of these were from
Kentucky. Tennessee provided twenty thousand and Louisiana twenty four
thousand. Mississippi yielded eighty thousand black soldiers. From the other
states of the Confederacy came forty thousand black soldiers.
By the first week of August 1863, fourteen Negro
regiments were in the field and ready for service. The general opinion of white
soldiers and officers was that black men lacked the courage to fight and fight
well. Given the opportunity, however, African Americans silenced their critics
with exemplary bravery. One of the first combat experiences for black troops
came in October 1862. The soldiers of the 1st Kansas Colored Volunteer Infantry
Regiment defeated attacking Confederate forces at the battle of Island Mound,
Missouri. At the battle of Port Hudson, Louisiana, May 27, 1863, blacks fought
well. They advanced over open ground in the face of deadly small arms fire.
Although the attack failed, the black soldiers proved their capability to
withstand the heat of battle.
On July 17, 1863, at Honey Springs, Indian
Territory, now Oklahoma, the 1st Kansas Colored established its military
reputation. Union troops under General James Blunt ran into a strong
Confederate force under General Douglas Cooper. After a bloody engagement
lasting two hours, Cooper’s soldiers retreated. The 1st Kansas, which held the
center of the Union line, advanced within fifty paces of the Confederate line.
They exchanged fire for some twenty minutes until the Confederate line broke
and ran. Critics were silenced in the face of the 1st’s bravery and courage.
General Blunt wrote after the battle, “I never saw such fighting as was done by
the Negro regiment. . . . The question that Negroes will fight is settled;
besides, they make better soldiers in every respect than any troops I have ever
had under my command.”
The most widely known early battle fought by
African Americans was the assault on Fort Wagner, South Carolina, by the 54th
Massachusetts on July 18, 1863. The 54th volunteered to lead the assault on the
strongly fortified Confederate position. The soldiers of the 54th showed great
courage as they charged the stronghold under heavy fire. While the attack
failed, the soldiers proved their courage. They were proud that they were
willing to die for their freedom.
The 54th was not the only regiment to face great
odds and show such courage. Every time a black soldier faced a Confederate
force, he knew that, if captured, he would be killed, but yet he fought on with
great courage and skill. At the end of 1863, Christian A. Fleetwood, a free
African American from Baltimore who had joined the army, expressed the feelings
of most black men, as he wrote in his diary, “This year has brought about many
changes that at the beginning were or would have been thought impossible. The
close of the year finds me a soldier for the cause of my race. May God bless
the cause, and enable me in the coming year to forward it on.”
Although black soldiers proved themselves reputable
soldiers, discrimination in pay and other areas remained widespread. According
to the Militia Act of 1862, soldiers of African descent were to receive ten
dollars a month, three dollars of which was to be paid in clothing. A white
soldier of the same rank received thirteen dollars a month, plus a clothing
allowance of three dollars and fifty cents. Many regiments struggled for equal
pay, some refusing any money until, on June 15, 1864, Congress granted equal
pay for all black soldiers.
African-American soldiers participated in every
major campaign of 1864–1865 except Sherman’s invasion of Georgia. The year 1864
was especially eventful for African-American troops. On April 12, 1864, at Fort
Pillow, Tennessee, Confederate General Nathan Bedford Forrest led his forces
against the Union-held fortification, occupied by 292 black and 285 white
soldiers. After driving in the Union pickets and giving the garrison an
opportunity to surrender, Forrest’s men charged and swarmed into the fort with
little difficulty. White and black Union soldiers surrendered. African-
American soldiers were shot down in cold blood by Rebels who yelled, “No
quarter! No quarter!”
The Committee on the Conduct of the War concluded
that the Confederates had been guilty of atrocities which included murdering
most of the soldiers after the garrison had surrendered, burying black solders
alive, and setting fire to tents containing Federal wounded. The battle cry for
the African-American soldier east of the Mississippi River became “Remember
Fort Pillow!”
One of the most heroic, lesser known, engagements
involving African Americans was the September 29, 1864 battle of New Market
Heights and Fort Gilmer, Virginia. The conflict at New Market Heights, part of
a larger operation planned and directed by Union Major General Benjamin Butler,
became known as the confrontation at Chaffin’s Farm. After being pinned down by
Confederate artillery and small arms fire for about thirty minutes, the Negro
division of the XVIII Corps charged the earthworks and rushed up the slopes of
the heights. The division suffered tremendous casualties. They were engaged in
battle for just over one hour. For their heroic efforts, fourteen African Americans received the Medal of Honor. This
is especially significant because only sixteen Medals of Honor were awarded to
any members of black army troops during the entire Civil War.
In January 1864, a group of Confederate officers in
the Army of Tennessee, headed by General Patrick Cleburne, proposed that
because the Union was using slaves against the South, the Confederacy should
use them as soldiers, too. Cleburne’s reports also offered African Americans
the option of freedom if they fought and survived. Confederate President
Jefferson Davis refused to consider Cleburne’s proposal and forbade discussion
of the idea. The concept, however, did not die. By the fall of 1864, the South
was losing more and more ground, and some believed that the only way to avoid
defeat was to arm the slaves. On March 13th, the Confederate Congress passed
General Order 14. President Davis signed the order into law. The order was
issued March 23, 1865. Only a few companies of black Confederate soldiers were
raised. The war ended—with the surrender at Appomattox on April 9, 1865—before
they could be used in battle.
In actual numbers, African-American soldiers made
up an estimated nine to ten percent of the Union Army. Losses among African
Americans were high. From all reported casualties, approximately one-fifth of
all the African Americans enrolled in the military lost their lives during the
Civil War. Black soldiers did not have a high desertion rate despite the
discrimination in pay and duty, the threat of death or return to slavery if
captured, and the ravages of battle.
African-American soldiers overcame the tremendous
odds against them and made an important and valuable contribution to the Civil
War. They fought for their freedom with courage and bravery. A government
commission that investigated the condition of the freedman summed up, in May
1864, the impact African Americans had had on the Civil War.
The whites have changed, and are still rapidly changing, their opinion of the Negro. And the Negro, in his new condition as a freedman, is himself, to some extent, a changed being. No one circumstance has tended so much to these results as the display of manhood in Negro soldiers.
Despite the vast knowledge we have about Civil War
armies, comparatively little is known about the navies, and next to nothing
about the lives of ordinary sailors. Few know that black men may have
constituted as many as twenty-five percent of the navy’s enlisted force. On
some ships they represented seventy-five percent or more of the crewmen. Fewer
still appreciate that a number of black women were enlisted—mostly as
nurses—and that eight black sailors won medals of honor for their heroism.
The number of African-American sailors who served
is not known. Low-range estimates hover around ten thousand men while high-end
estimates assume that thirty thousand of the estimated one hundred and eighteen
thousand enlistees were black men. Unlike the Union Army, which created a
Bureau of Colored Troops to administer affairs concerning the approximately one
hundred seventy-nine thousand soldiers who served in the racially segregated
black regiments, the Navy neither segregated African-American sailors nor
created a separate administrative bureau.
Most African-American enlistees were young men,
particularly ones in their twenties. A majority had been born in the southern
United States. Of that group, perhaps four-fifths had escaped from slavery
prior to enlisting. African-American enlistees from the free states of the
North came from far and wide, although the majority hailed from the seaboard
states of the north Atlantic coast. A good number had had prior seafaring
experience—for perhaps ten percent this had included a stint in the U.S. Navy
prior to the war. Men of African ancestry from offshore points also served in
the U.S. Navy during the Civil War. Although most of these men came from the
West Indies, others came from Africa and Europe, and from the islands of the
Atlantic, Pacific, and Indian Oceans. Once enlisted, the men were rated and
paid according to their skill and experience.
Over the course of the war, the numbers of
African-American sailors increased, and so did their percentage on board naval
vessels. Whereas, in 1861, they may have constituted at best five percent of
any given vessel’s crew, by the closing months of the war the average figure
was closer to twenty- five percent.
Ironically, informal segregation helps
account for the large proportion of African- American crewmen on certain
vessels. Black men accounted for disproportionately large numbers of the
crewmen on board store ships and supply ships. These men tended to occupy the
low-paid, low-prestige enlisted ratings. This pattern of informal segregation
also extended to sailing craft generally, but often with unforeseen results. On
April 1, 1865, for instance, the complement of the mortar schooner Adolph Hugel numbered forty-eight
men; forty-six were rated as landsmen (or raw recruits); there were three
seamen, three cooks and one steward.
Most significantly, black men held four prestigious
petty-officer ratings: boatswain’s mate, captain of the hold, master at arms,
and quartermaster. As this case suggests, vessels where de facto segregation prevailed also offered opportunities for
Unlike their counterparts in the army, black
sailors stood no chance of gaining commissioned office during the Civil War.
The navy did not commission African-American officers until World War II.
Moreover, not a single warrant officer of the Civil War era appears to have
been African American, despite the fact that any number of men had the
requisite skills and experience. Most African- American sailors occupied the lowest
enlisted ratings and, of those who were rated petty officers, most were cooks
and stewards.
1. When did
President Lincoln decide to employ African Americans in the Union army?
after the battle at Port Hudson, Louisiana
the failed Peninsular Campaign
after the conflict at Fort Wagner, South Carolina
immediately after the declaration of war
2. On which
date did the Emancipation Proclamation go into effect?
1, 1863
March 3, 1861
April 1, 1865
September 17, 1862
3. With
which statement about the African-American troops who participated in the Civil
War would Frederick Douglass most
likely agree?
Southern African Americans were traitors.
soldiers were brave and upstanding.
The African Americans were incompetent.
The Union military did not need African Americans.
4. The First Kansas Colored unit fought a Confederate
a. and subsequently surrendered.b.led by General Douglas Cooper.c. for almost two weeks.d.under the command of General James Blunt.
5. What did
the defeat of the 54th Massachusetts regiment at Fort Wagner prove?
The African-American troops needed better
The Union did not have a viable strategy.
African-American troops were courageous.
The South had a stronger force.
6. What was
significant about the battle known as Chaffin’s Farm?
The Union lost important ground in the attempt to
take Richmond.
heroism there, fourteen African Americans received the Medal of Honor.
It was an accidental and completely unplanned
General Benjamin Butler did not succeed in
defeating the Confederate artillery.
7. Why did
General Patrick Cleburne propose the use of slaves in the Confederate Army?
He wanted to create a division between northern and
southern African Americans.
Cleburne wanted to send the slaves North as spies.
He was certain that the African Americans from the
North would not fire on the slaves.
thought that the South needed the help of the slaves in order to win.
8. When did
the navy begin appointing African Americans to official positions?
World War II
immediately before World War I
during the Civil War
just after the Civil War
9. How do
you think the experience of fighting in the Civil War changed African Americans
and their opinions of themselves? Explain Frederick Douglass’s opening remark
in this passage and then illustrate how it proved to be true.
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